Tuesday, August 21, 2007

365 Days

Jess and I have started a new adventure. We have teamed up to keep each other motivated and on track. We are to take a photo everyday about our day for a year! Thats right, 365 photos! I just now getting my first one up. Every Monday, I will have a new post about how I am doing. You can see all the photos on my Flickr. I will try and do a recap of the week for all those who are keeping tabs ( like Jess ) :)

Here is my Day 1 photo. We are about to paint our trailer. We rolled out some kraft paper to protect the boardwalk and steps. I brought out some crayons and the kids had a field day. My daughters face was so dirty this day. She touched the trucks wheel and then proceded to touch her face. Yuk!


cArOl said...

What a cute picture, shannon. I can't believe all the hair Sidney has now! She definetly has more than you did at her age! heehee..They are both cute.=)

jessica said...

Yea! The first of 365. I am really excited about doing this. I think it will be totally awesome to make a poster out of all the pictures. :)

Thanks for doing this with me. :)

marykathryn said...

Hey sooo cool that you have a blog too!! Love the cute pic of your cutie pie kids!! 365 pics?!?! Are you girls CRAZY?? LOL However I am impressed and I can't wait to see the outcome!!