Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crash and Cry

That's it!! I've had it!! Once again...the world of PC's have gotten to me. It's amazing how a pile of metal and fancy green plastic can control your world. You find yourself sitting there staring at the screen. Waiting for the most impersonal mail to load up. Typed letters of chain mail and sales ad's for the local stores. One word...Junk. You find your self surfing the net for no apparent reason. The endless searches and history builds up. Computer is about to bust at the seams. Well....mine did bust. Some how..my pc gave up the ghost and now it's in oblivion. It seems that my operating system has been corrupted. I will be sending it to the pc doc next week for a little tweaking. I really want to just chuck it but unless I can come up with a couple thousand dollars for my new Mac..I'm up a creek without a paddle. So all Ps work has come to a screaming halt and now I find myself on a laptop I'm about to kill! So...any and all donations are welcome :) Here's to the PC world we live in *raises her cup of coffee and salutes it.

1 comment:

JoAnn said...

That is such a bummer Shannon. I do hope you are able to get that new MAC soon. I love reading your blog and really enjoy your pictures. You are so very talented. We will be in Oregon in June for the Lewis family reunion. Maybe perhaps you could let me know how much of an arm & leg it would cost me to have you do a photo shoot of my family? It would be nice to have some professional pictures of the kids on the wall. Anyway email me and let know 'kay? My addy is alanglenda@msn.com. BTW Glenda is my first name, (Alan didn't get a new wife of anything).